
Five months of scholarship and the trip to Ecuador

There came a moment, when I wished to attend a conference to be held at Quito. Abstracts accepted and the onus was on me. After all the planning that went to get the cheapest fare, the unbelievable 60 percent off on an airline ticket made it possible. Since, Ecuador was not on the list, I…

Third World Passport with a First World Visa

While all the rumbling about the strength of Indian Passport is baseless, there are a lot of things optimistic beyond the Passport Index released every year by Henley and Partners. In 2020, Indian Passport holds 85th position (out of 109 nations) with access to 58 destinations without requiring a Visa. A number up or down…

In-Flight Vegetarian Meal Review

Over the years, the awareness about Vegetarianism and Veganism has compelled and encouraged airlines to provide such options in the in-flight meal. I will be writing about such experiences on regular basis. This post is intended to give a general overview. I am vegetarian, preferably Vegan or in the process of being so. Since I…

Do we need to go abroad to pursue our travel interests?

I come from a country whose people can be found almost everywhere in the world largely as immigrants or a ‘diaspora’. In addition, I come from a state in India, whose population can be seen everywhere in the country either as daily wage earners or on high administrative positions but never as travelers. In both…

Travel Sans Blogging – It’s my Blog anniversary

I have been toying with the idea of running a blog for several years- most ended after it started. I could not sustain the frequency of posting, as internet connection was not under my reach nor did I have a laptop or computer or for that matter not even a smart phone to operate a…

Visa Free Travel to Ecuador

The blog documents my visit to Ecuador. A Visa Free destination for most nationalities.

Visa to Peru for Indian nationals

It has only been in recent times that Indian backpackers have been exploring Latin American region and their number continues to be a limited one. That may be primarily not only due to the language barrier but also because of the physical as well as mental space that divides the two region. My purpose to…

What is so special about Indian Railways?

  Indian Railways may be the first love for many people in India until they board a flight to find an equally amazing experience. The first flight that I boarded ever in my life was while I was in my first year of Ph.D., realising the dream ‘Now everyone can fly’ of Air Asia. Probably my…